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One of the reasons I chose Liberal Arts (with concentrations in Professional & Technical Writing, Psychology, and Speech Communications) as my major, is because I have always been the type to learn many different things simultaneously. To keep it a buck though, the real reason I chose to get a Bachelor's degree is because I just wanted to finish what I started. It was late 2012 and I had already been in school inconsistently since the fall of 2003. The person I was with, at the time, broke my heart and spirit! I'm talking about ripped that MF in two whole pieces! (Don't get it twisted, I am soulllll grateful for that hurt, thank you!!) I sat there, at that time, and was thinking to myself " Girl gon ahead and finish school, you already been hurt, only way to go is up."

So yeah, pretty much told myself that finishing school was my next move so thats what I set my mind to and did. Did that with three small daughters, by myself, with the help of my family of course, but as a single woman. Saying all this to say, if I want to accomplish or do something, I do it.

Having my own business has always been on my mind. When I was about 18, I had conversations about opening an elegant jewelry store. I envisioned a bejeweled signature manuscript atop a building reading "T Renae's". Man it was fire! That is still a bomb idea to bring in to fruition, absolutely and indeed.

No but seriously though, I opened Sentiments by Theophania because the idea came to me one day. And the more I thought about it, the more drive I felt to start it so I did. Before I launched Sentiments, I ran an affiliate based business, connecting people with funding for business and personal use- Natural State Lending. This was a temporary business, as the whole PPP loan debacle at the time caused alot of confusion as to what I was running. So I shut that one down quickly.

I gotta keep it a buck one more time though.

I completely underestimated what it would be to run a legit business like Sentiments! I was so caught up in my own mind with opening up the business and doing all the things necessary, I experienced a burnout right at winter. I was MF tied! Trying to run the business on top of everyday life like working a 9-5 and being a mother and wife, I had to step back to rest, reflect , and reset. Straight like that! Cause looking tired and feeling tired constantly is not it! Now that I have had time to reset, I understand now that slow and steady wins the race. I didn't want to just start a business just to start one. I wanted to do everything right and the legit way. It was hard though, especially not having a team on payroll. One day I will have it like that but for now, I am taking my time.

Accomplish your goals, do the things you set out to do, no diggitty doubt about that. Just have a better gauge of the months and years ahead to make sure you are taking the necessary time and steps to ensure you don't experience a burnout out. You will maximize everything ten fold if you don't rush the process. Let her marinate! Thats the message; that's the word. Peace and abundance to every eye that reads this, muah!!!

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